Monday, August 11, 2014

Break Time - On Hiatus

Most already know but we are going on hiatus until late September/early October.  In others words, no basketball for a while.  I hope to get us back going September 28 but I will have just gotten home from traveling abroad so don't know how I'll feel.  When we do resume, we will return to our later start time of 7:00 p.m.  We may even start a little later than that (Maybe 7:15) to allow for the small groups that are being held in the surrounding classrooms to dismiss and clear out.  It would also allow those of you watching the late afternoon football games to hopefully see the end of those games.

I'm going to miss seeing you guys.  I have grown very fond of our band of ballers.  Seeing you all every Sunday and taking you to school is one of the highlights of my (actually I am very thankful that you all are willing to play with an old guy like me).  Staying physically fit is very important to me and being able to still play this game I love with a group of good guys is a great way of doing that.  Look forward to seeing you in about 7 weeks!  -Ed

Monday, August 4, 2014

August 10 - Last Run!

This Sunday will be our last run until.......?   Come out at 6:00 p.m. and let's ball it up.