Monday, June 8, 2015

June 14

The plan is to play basketball at 6:00 p.m. this Sunday.  We have had big turnouts the last two weeks. Kind of hard to believe we could barely scratch up a 3-on-3 game a month or so ago.  But that's the way it goes, ebbs and flows.  What's really scary is that many of our regulars have not been playing the last two weeks (that's including me!).  If everyone decides to show up in a given week, well, I'm not sure what we'll do!  Glad to see some new faces though.  Please keep coming out.  We'll try to accommodate everyone that shows up. I used to toy with the idea of locking the doors after the 15th player showed up but I just can't bring myself to do it.  I would ask that everyone please get there promptly by 6:00 p.m. so we can get started and get as many games in as we can.  And anyone that wants to come a little early to help me set up, I will really appreciate it.  See ya Sunday!!  -Ed

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